About Me

Growing up in Regina Saskatchewan I had no choice but to become a football fan from a very early age. Anyone who is familiar with the Saskatchewan Roughriders would know they are not an overly successful team but rather have done an amazing job establishing and marketing a strong community brand. I didn’t realize it at the time but this was my first taste of the marketing world. I have always been a creative person an enjoy coming up with different ways whether it be an event, artwork, music or some other medium to connect with the people around me and invoke emotions. This creative urge is what drove me towards an education in business marketing.
I also have a strong passion for the outdoors which led me to working in Sales for an outdoor sporting goods company while I went to school to pursue a career in marketing and advertising. Through school I was also afforded the opportunity to work in the liquor industry. When I completed my education I headed back to marketing in the outdoor world for an industry leading brand. This was an amazing opportunity and experience but was not quite the right fit. Eventually I was able to move more directly into the advertising world within one of Canada’s largest media companies.
My experience within a large media company allowed me to see how businesses of all shapes and sizes operate and what works and doesn’t work. Key partnerships with companies like Google and Facebook have allowed me to learn soo much about the online world of marketing and perhaps one of the biggest lessons is that the lesson is never over.
More recently I took advantage to move my family from Saskatchewan to BC where we were expanding. We settled in the small and beautiful community of Little Fort BC where my love for the outdoors is able to blend with my love of marketing. It is hear that I made the decision to start Cold River Consulting which allows me to take my knowledge and experience and build long lasting relationships with local businesses and organizations.